Thursday, April 17, 2008

Direct Marketing Advertisements to Newsletter Subscribers

Do you know the number one reason why visitors to your website will not sign up for your free newsletter? They have been burnt before! Either their email address was abused for endless mailings, or the newsletter was so boring - usually because it was nothing more than one big ad directly cut and pasted from the advertisement brochures - that it was hardly worth their time to even read it only once.

Direct marketing advertisement to newsletter subscribers in small doses and do it carefully, judiciously, and respectfully. While some marketers will outsource this aspect of the business, fledgling marketers will not have the resources for this step. Do not despair if this is you! Instead, take heart in the fact that it is incredibly easy to draft a well thought out newsletter, insert your product information, and make it so interesting that you will have consumers signing up for it even if initially they are not at all interested in your product or the company you are representing.

As you direct marketing advertisement to newsletter subscribers, keep in mind that a reader of your newsletter is not reading it to be polite but because you are giving them something of value. Perhaps not surprisingly, the ads for your product or business are not the item of value they have in mind. Instead, the average reader will look for general content, such as gardening advice, cooking tips, exercise help, or even dog training tricks. Depending on the product you represent, ad text and the general content of your newsletter, all these elements can flow together seamlessly and actually support one another rather than being almost mutually exclusive.

The best tip for the fledgling marketer is to create a basic newsletter that has the business or product in mind but does not make reference to it in any way. You might design a trivia section, a word puzzle, a give away, and include a number of general content articles, poems, and other items. Stay away from politics and religion! Not only was mom right when she suggested not discussing these topics in polite company, but for the sake of marketing they can be the kiss of death if your readers are not on the same side of the political aisle or worship the same deity! Keep it neutral but informative. 

Once your initial draft is complete, look for spots where you can include information about your business or product in such a way that it will flow naturally rather than being a contrived commercial break; after all, as you market advertisements to the reader of your newsletter, you want to make the experience enjoyable and also valuable! Commercial breaks detract from value while integrated product information ads value!

In the same vein, those who may not like the idea of signing up for anything that requires an email address, design a special page for newsletter signups and include your privacy policy which unequivocally states your intent for the use of any information you are gathering during sign up. Similarly, post a sample newsletter for visitors to read. This will increase interest and may overcome the objection of those who may still be teetering on the fence whether or not to entrust you with their email information.

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