Friday, May 30, 2008

Pumping Up a Home Business

Every business will run into a time where things seem to go into a slump. Business may start to level off and there is a need to pump it up and bring in new customers. That requires appealing to the customer and giving them a reason to start doing business.

It can sometimes seem difficult to see how a business can be pumped up to bring in new customers. It may seem too hard or complicated, but there really are some ways to pump up a business without it involving a lot of money or time. Something simple can sometimes bring new life back into a slow business.

Add a New Product

Many times customers have bought everything they want from a company or feel they just do not need what they are offering. Many companies use the tactic of introducing a new product to help their business. A new product can be something simple or it can be an elaborate new line of products.

The whole idea of introducing a new product is to give the customer something new and different. It should not be, for example, an existing product just in a new color. That will not cut it. It should be something exciting and it is a good idea to make a big deal out of its introduction. That will draw attention and keep customers on alert.

Revamp the Look

Sometimes all it takes is redoing a website to bring in more business. This is true if the website has not been updated a lot to offer new options and a new appearance. Sometimes people just get tired of the same old thing when they are shopping and want to experience something different.

Changes to a websites look can be a lot of things. It can be different colors, a different set up, addition of a guest book or even a completely new website design. One thing to keep in mind, though, is that with huge changes the website will be down for maintenance however long it takes to get the change implemented.

Offer More

People want to shop where they can get a lot of things at one stop. This is very true because people do not have the time to go from store to store, even online. One way to really attract people is to offer them more. Give them more variety, more choices and more products.

Give them more for their money, too. Create bundled packages and give away freebies to loyal customers. Introduce specials like buy one and get one free. Shipping discounts are quite popular online and are a major attraction for shoppers. Give some thought as to what could be done to give customers more.

There are many things a person can do to pump up their business and start bringing in more sales. The worst thing to do is give up or simply sit around and wait for things to get better. A person has to be proactive in their attempts to bring some life back to their business.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Designing the Best Website for Your Home Business

There is a lot of information about how to build a good business website out there. There are a lot of tips and tricks on how to build a website without needing a programmer or hiring a professional. All of these technical tips and little pieces of advice often overlook the big picture and end up making the home business owner micromanage the small details. While this is nice and will actually be good for the business it is not the only advice a person needs to hear in order to build a good business website.

There are three key points to building a good business website. These three points can easily be lost in the technical aspect of building a website. They are very important, though, to the user. When building a website, keeping the user in mind is important, especially when building a business website where the user is key to success.

The three points are as follows:

Point #1 - Make it easy to use.

A website should be easy to use. A visitor should be able to navigate the site without hassle. This means they do not need to be bombarded with pop up ads or have to search for anything. Everything needs to right there for them and they should be able to easily see how shopping and checking out works.

Point #2 - It should be informative.

Online users are now used to websites that are informative and actually offer them something. Most people will simply leave a website if they can not get information from it. A website needs a section with a blog or articles that allow the user to get useful information. Such section will also help with search engine rankings and getting more potential customers to your site.

Point #3 - It should be clear and simple.

This goes along with being easy to use. A website should not be cluttered or difficult to figure out. People are not going to work to get to anything on a website. If they can not figure it out then they will leave. Menus should be clear and every aspect of the shopping experience should be clear.

In order to ensure a website meets these three points a business owner should try it out before going live. They should go through the website and make sure it is not confusing or there is too much on any page. It is also a good idea to put up a survey that allows visitors to say what they do and do not like about the site.

Making sure these three points are covered will really help to make a website a success. It can be a big boost for a home business, as well. People want a good experience and a good experience includes a website that is easy to use, informative and clear. This is all something that can be worked into the final steps of building a website. Once the technical things are handled the focus can shift to making it user friendly and making it a website that people are going to want to visit.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Top 5 Work at Home Mistakes

There are many things that a person should know about working at home before they start even looking for a work at home job. The following outlines the top five mistakes people make when they work at home or are trying to work at home. By understanding these top five mistakes a person can avoid them and therefore have a better chance of being successful at working at home.

Mistake #1 - Not being serious or professional.

Working at home is a job. For some reason people tend to think they can slack off or not take it seriously. It should always be approached as any job would. Being professional and serious is important if a person ever wants to find an employer to hire them. Professionalism goes beyond just dealing with employers but also extends to the online presence a person has. With anything online it is important to remember that anyone can access it unless it is private. This means social networking sites, even a personal site, may be seen by a potential employer, or customer. Do not put anything out there that you can not be proud of your employer seeing or reading.

Mistake #2 - Falling for a scam.

Most people who fall for a work at home scam do so because they have not taken the time to research scams and learn how to spot them. Scams can cause a lot of trouble and may even make you a target for other scammers. A person has to be educated and learn as much as possible about work at home scams so they do not fall victim to them.

Mistake #3 - Not networking.

One of the most important parts of working at home is networking. Without networking a person is trying to do it alone and that will rarely work out in their best interest. Networking has to be part of the process so a person can meet others who work at home and get advice and help when they need it.

Mistake #4 - Not going for it all.

Many times people are so happy to find some work at home job that they never even try to find something they really love. There are so many options out there that a person should not be afraid to keep looking and always be seeking out that job or business they can be passionate about.

Mistake #5 - Not getting educated.

As mentioned, not being educated about the work at home environment is a huge mistake. Not only can it cause problems, like falling for a scam, but it can really limit a person. Getting educated is the best way to be successful and really have a good experience with working at home.

These top five mistakes may not seem all that big, but they are all very important to understand. Making one of them may not mean the end of a work at home career, but making a couple or all of them could spell tragedy and possible end any chance of a person ever working from home successfully.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Why Affiliate Programs are so Popular

In the search for a work at home job or a home business a person is going to run into something called affiliate programs. Affiliate programs are very popular and they can also be a very profitable and successful choice. Understanding them is important, though, before getting involved with one.

One of the first things a person needs to know about affiliate programs is the difference between them and a pyramid scheme. The two are very familiar, but there is a key difference. The difference is that with an affiliate program there are products or services being sold. In a pyramid scheme no products or services are sold. The reason these two can be confused is that both involve recruiting others in order to earn income. However, with an affiliate program recruiting is only part of the income. Selling products is another way to earn income and recruiting others is not even mandatory to earning money.

The basic idea of an affiliate program is that it starts with a company that is selling something. This company decides to find people who will sell their products or services for them. The company recruits these people, called affiliates, to sell their products and earn a commission for each product they sell. Usually the company will supply the affiliate with a website and all the tools they need to get started. The affiliate's job then becomes advertising their website and selling the products from their website so they earn a commission.

In addition to selling the products or services, an affiliate is encouraged to get others to sign up for the program. When an affiliate gets others to sign up for the program they then earn money on that affiliates sales. When those new affiliates' sign up people, the original affiliate earns money form them too. It keeps going like that so that a person can earn money on people who sign up many levels beneath them. This is the real money making area of an affiliate program, however, the bottom line is that if nobody sells anything then no money is made. A person can not earn money simply by signing up people if nobody is selling anything.

Affiliate programs are so popular because they are easy to get into. Most companies have well established programs that make getting started simple. Additionally, the earning potential is quite huge if a person really puts effort in to sales and recruiting new affiliates. With an affiliate program a person is really in control of how much they earn. It is a great idea for someone who is interested in a home business without all the start up work.

The key to being really successful with an affiliate program is to choose the program wisely and then use it wisely. This means choosing to be part of an affiliate program with good products and a good reputation. It also means selling products and recruiting with effort given to each. Affiliate programs may be the thing you are looking for when it comes to a home business that is going to be inexpensive to start up and has a very good success potential.

Friday, May 23, 2008

4 Work at Home Myths and Misconceptions

When it comes to working at home there are many myths and misconceptions out there. Many times these myths and misconceptions make people decide against working at home. They also can be harmful because they lead people to believe that working at home is something that it is not. A lot of the time people believe these things without even finding out if they are true or legitimate. It is important for a person who is interested in working at home to figure out fact from fiction.

The following are the top myths and misconceptions that a person may run into when looking into working at home:

1. Working at home means complete freedom. This is not completely true. While it has some truth to it is also a little misleading. The idea that a person is completely free when working at home does not make a lot of sense. The reason it is called working at home is because it involves work. If a person were truly free they would not have any work to do. So, working at home does give a person freedom, but at the same time it is still important to remember there is also time that must go into working.

2. Working at home works for everyone. This is completely not true. Working at home is not for everyone. It requires a lot of commitment, dedication, professionalism and organization. A person has to be able to commit to the work and get it done. Not everyone works well independently. Some people simply need direction and need someone to keep them going. For people like that working at home is not the best option.

3. Working at home is easy. This may come from the fact that working at home has many perks, but that does not mean it is easy. A person is still working and still has responsibilities. Working at home is like any other job. It is important that people understand working at home can sometimes be more demanding then working outside the home, but the payoffs are often what make it worth it.

4. There are no "real" work at home jobs. This is very wrong. Many people focus in on the scams and think that is what working at home is about. The truth is that there are many people out there working at home and making more then they ever could in a job outside the home. Many people are raising a family on their work at home job. There are many real work at home jobs, but it does take determination and effort to find the good ones where the real potential is found.

These four myths and misconceptions can lead to real problems for people who believe them. Working at home is a wonderful opportunity that should not be missed simply due to believing things like this. A person should find out the truth before they give up completely on working at home.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Why Internet Marketing Is Big & Why it's Getting Bigger

There are a number of different reasons as to why internet marketing is a fantastic thing, but there is really only one reason as to why it has become so big in the last couple of years. More and more people are starting to buy their goods online. In the days of the dot com boom that happened in the late 1990s, the reason for the boom was not that people were buying stuff online, but it had more to do with the idea of informational exchange had gotten to a level never seen before and that increased traffic and therefore increased the amount of money that was put into the internet.

Nowadays however, the dot com boom round two is quite a bit healthier because rather than the creation of a gigantic bubble that is really not based on anything more than high demand and low supply, both the supply and demand sides of the equation are at an all time high. Not only are people purchasing things off the internet, but they are looking for information on the internet and they are looking for a way to make their living in some cases off the internet. All of this results in a much higher daily use average on the part of a person in a country with internet infrastructure developed and that ultimately means that internet marketing is becoming bigger and bigger everyday as people are getting the chance through internet marketing to reach larger and larger audiences all of the time.

However, while this is the one and only reason for the initial boom in internet marketing, there have been other reasons to come along in the interim to increase the importance of internet marketing to the average online businessperson. One of the ways in which this has been seen has to do with the spending rates that companies can use in order to get results online. These rates are a fraction of what they would be in the offline world as with so much choice in advertising, a person technically does not even have to pay anything if they do not want to and advertise for free using a number of different methods. Both the overall and per capita rates of advertising online are cheaper than offline and this is allowing a number of businesses into the game that previously did not have the ability to compete.

Finally, the prospects of the future for internet marketing is another thing driving its constant increase as the prospects are looking a lot better than they did during the first dot com boom. The future is bright because of the increasing numbers of people using the internet every day and it is bright because of the fact that more and more companies are getting involved. With both supply and demand growing with each passing day, the second dot com boom has a much healthier economy and that news in and of itself is enough to spur more investment into internet marketing.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Simple Steps of Starting an E-Commerce Business

The Internet is the playground for would-be entrepreneurs and consumers with credit cards in the ready position. The trick is to combine the two in such a way that they will form a mutually beneficial business relationship. While this may sound like a tall order, you may be stunned to find out that the surprisingly simple steps of starting an e-commerce business are actually achievable for anyone with a hookup to the 'Net!

There is nothing that cannot be bought or sold over the Internet, and houses, cars, durable medical equipment, jewelry, clothes, pets, and even stamps are enjoying a vibrant business community that is devoted to them. Of course, with so much open cyber space, one might surmise that the market by now is saturated and that new entrepreneurs have to let go of their dreams, but nothing could be further from the truth!

Since there are so many vendors online that are vying for the attention of the consumer, the latter has the luxury of being highly selective and no longer has to settle for second best but instead may wait and pick and choose until she or he finds exactly what they are looking for. This opens the door for the savvy business owner who has the capacity to offer any product with a twist, who can enter a niche by giving the consumer something the other vendors simply have not thought of, hear of, or were unable to obtain, and who is willing and able to work hard at making her or his web presence known.

No longer does the entrepreneur feel shackled to the goodwill of a bank for the money needed to open a brick and mortar store, but instead the enterprising individual will find that e-commerce makes it possible to sell goods without having to maintain an inventory, employing a sales force, and even dealing with the shipping!

Starting an e-commerce business starts with a business plan that outlines what will be sold to whom, and how the entrepreneur will advertise the business to reach the target consumer group. Once this plan is ironed out and some benchmarks for performance reviews are set, the next step is as simple as the first, but just as vital: you need to set up a website.

Oh sure, the temptation of doing it yourself is undoubtedly there, but unless you know exactly what you are doing and how to do it, you will be wise to let someone else handle this aspect of the business. By far too many small home based businesses are doomed to failure because of a website that looks as though a novice had put it together in a time crunch. Broken links, text that does not line up, graphics which make the site too slow for loading, and other problems mar the web presence of many an entrepreneur and thus at least at the onset you will be wise to let the professionals take care of your business' online face and success is but a few clicks away!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Make Money Selling Other People's Stuff

Would it no be great if you could sell merchandise online without having to buy it and warehouse it? Someone else handles all incoming orders and shipping and customer service and all you have to do is advertise your website and collect your money. If you already have a website that receives a fair amount of traffic this can become a reality through the use of affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is a great way to pick up some extra cash from your website. A majority of internet businesses either sponsor their own affiliate marketing program or use a separate company to host their affiliate program for them, Website owners can register to become an affiliate and while some companies will want to take a look at your site before approving your participation, others will automatically accept you as an affiliate partner.

Once accepted, you will receive a code that identifies your website and tracks any visitors from your site that goes to the company's site and places an order. In return for you placing the company's ad on your site, you receive a commission on any sales generated from your site. Typically, the ads you post are available as plaint text ads or graphics and are generated by the company or their affiliate marketing hosting service, containing the tracking code. As long as the code is entered as given to you, the company knows who to credit for the sale.

You can sign up with companies that compliment the topic of your webpage as well as any other topic you might choose. It is not advisable, if you sell products or services on your site to host affiliate ads for companies in which you are in competition. It is also recommended that you change out the ads frequently as many companies offer different products or services during different times of the year or for holidays. By keeping your advertisements fresh and in season, you have a better chance of making additional sales for the company and earning more money.

One minor point with affiliate marketing is you can alter the links to the affiliated site to have it open in a new browser window. Most links are written and coded to take the visitor to the company's website and if they close that browser page, they will go back to their default home page. By adding the instruction to open the page in a new window, when they close the window to the company's website, they are returned to your website where they can begin looking for another of your affiliates with which to do business.

One word of caution is to choose your affiliates carefully. If you have family-oriented website, you will want to make sure none of the ads you place on your site will direct visitors to sites designed for mature audiences only. Additionally, you should frequently verify that the links you have on the site actually go to the site with which you have affiliated. Company names online can be sold and the new company may keep the affiliate program operating as it was establish, except the merchandise being sold may not meet the family-only criteria. The key is to remember to treat your affiliations as a business relationship, and you should do well.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Maintaining Motivation For Your Home Business

It is a common misconception that a home business is a more lax and less complicated work environment. Yes you have more personal time, more solitude in the workspace and you are the boss, but these factors are what can make a home business more work. You are the person who creates the driving force to accomplish tasks on time in an efficient manner at standards that are of the best quality. You no longer have someone over your shoulder to remind you of your deadlines. You no longer have someone to take a problem to allowing yourself one less hassle. You are the man or woman in charge of all things business good and bad. So how is it that so many home business entrepreneurs are able to get themselves up and about even on the worst home business days? Personal motivation is the answer.

When you choose to work from home you have to understand that it is up to you to provide personal motivation and motivation to continue to move forward even when your business seems to be at a standstill. You have to be willing to search and research your business from top to bottom when something is not quite right. In order to keep yourself fired up about your home business you have to find methods of self-motivation. Inspirational quotes, self determination to succeed, remembrance of how you felt about working an endlessly unsatisfactory job, these can all be methods put to use to keep your focus on moving your company towards success and never allowing yourself to see and accept failure as an option.

Sounds easy on paper, but when you look over your sales reports or order forms and see only the minimum customer interest it can be all too easy to become negative. You can begin to question if this venture is a mistake or if you have placed yourself in over your head. Be positive to stave off immediate failure, but also be realistic. Review your product thoroughly. Correct or improve your item. If this is not the concern then move your focus onto marketing and advertising. Ask what areas can be rearranged for greater improvement. Perform this analysis on down the line until you begin to see your sales improve. If you continue to struggle in your progress, seek help. Search online for tips or read up on home business books. Seek a professional business counselor. Often review of a problem from fresh eyes can spot the trouble more rapidly. The key is not to give up without a fight. It's your business, your dream and if you really want it go for it full throttle.

Perhaps you will even find yourself feeling burnt out at your home business. You may find that you need some time away. Take a weekend to enjoy yourself and to leave work out of your mind. Provide yourself with some space away from the office to assist you in a refreshing walk in order to reawaken yourself to your business. Time away can prepare you to face your business and all of its challenges with a second wind. This can often be a way to find and correct business concerns. Always remember to continue to move forward, do not give up and even if the roller coaster ride takes you down into the valley, you will eventually climb back up to success.

Friday, May 16, 2008

The Secret To Internet Success

How many times have you seen the sales pitch that someone has unlocked the secret to internet success? Probably more than once. Now for a fee, they want to share the secret with you. Why? To get your money, of course and in order to get your money back, you can share the same secret with others. Consider how many people now have that secret and you can begin to wonder how many people are left in the dark.

In reality, there is no secret to achieving internet success. It takes hard work and a complete understanding of how making money on the internet works. It begins by having a product or service that people want or need and ware willing to pay for it and continues with how you get the word out that you have it for sale. Prior to the explosion of internet use, it was called advertising and for all intents and purposes, the same methods used then are used today to make sales.

The internet however has made it possible for people to sell things without actually delivering what you have paid for and too many people fall into the trap. No person of reasonable intelligence will send someone money expecting nothing in return, but there are some folks who will send out money hoping they get something back. When it does not happen, they chalk it up to experience and look for something else. If you are that type of person, there are a lot of people in the world who would be willing to sell you a bridge or two. Don't worry. You can get your money back be reselling the bridge to someone else.

If that sounds far fetched, consider some of the offers you have received in your in box. You can spend a lot of time reading the email and then click on to their website and read some more, never really knowing exactly what you will receive when you send in your money. After you pay the fee, you may receive an instant download explaining how you too, can convince others to send you money. You then send out the same email selling others the exact same information.

Very similar to sending a self-address stamped envelope and a couple of dollars to learn how to make money stuffing envelopes. You receive instructions on how to place the same advertisement inviting others to send you a couple of buck in a self-addressed stamped envelope so you can send them the same information. And the offers continue to be advertised, but few complain because after all it was only a couple of bucks.

The real secret to making money on the internet is there is no secret. It is done the same way as it has been done for centuries. Delivering on promises of goods or services and treating your customers with the respect they deserve will provide an income whether online or off line. Goods and services sell far better than promises.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Keywords Are King

English:Image via WikipediaThere are a number of different tactics that people use in their online businesses, but there is one thing that ties all of these tactics together. Every single tactic used by a business today successfully is successful primarily because somewhere in that tactic there are keywords that make the tactic work. Keywords determine almost everything imaginable on the internet and that is exactly why Keywords are King in the land of online internet marketing and home based business online.


The importance of keywords has to do with search engines. How many times have you been interested in learning about a specific something and then searching online for that specific something in a search engine like Google, Yahoo or MSN? If you are like most people that have used the internet, the answer is quite often. While some people might exclusively search online encyclopedias and other products like that, at the same time most of the people will use search engines to look over the internet and this amounts to hundreds of millions of people conducting billions of searches each day.

The keywords that you use on your website are going to be the keywords that they put into the search engines if you do the keyword placement correctly and that ultimately means that keywords are directly linked to search engine success and this is exactly why they are so important in the grand scheme of things.

Plan of Attack

Having a plan of attack for your keywords when you set up your website is always a good idea. The best way to formulate that plan of attack is to first thing have keywords directly related to the website that you are building. For example, a website on Slim-Fast would greatly benefit from keywords like "weight loss", "diet" and "diet drink". Once you have a list of very obvious keywords, your goal is then to run those keywords through keyword tools and figure out what people have been searching for in relation to those words and compile a list of keywords in this way. Then, come up with synonyms and search for the synonyms. It is a good idea to have at least 100 keywords for a website before you formulate your plan of attack and going through this process will ensure that you probably end up with a lot more.

Search Engine Optimization

Part of your plan of attack has to revolve around getting those keywords into places on your website where they will attract the interest of the search engines and the process of doing this is known as search engine optimization. Search engine optimization essentially means getting important keywords into the titles and sub-titles of the website pages that you have and also making sure that keywords are sprinkled throughout the text in appropriate percentages. All of this is very difficult to master but easy to learn the basics of, so if you are putting together a website learning the basics of search engine optimization is a very good idea.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Increasing Your Online Residual Income Opportunities

Finding online programs that induct you to the fast track for seemingly unlimited earning capacities is simple, but increasing your online residual income opportunities takes a bit of doing and just a smidgen of know-how. Imagine the possibilities associated with not only growing your steady cash flow potential, but also cultivating a vibrant residual system that will pay you long after your direct involvement in a deal or transaction has been paid!

From the onset it is imperative to realize that any website which promises you to make money while you sleep, get rich quick overnight, and become a millionaire doing this line of work is lying to you and most likely is trying to do little more than get you to pay $19.99 or some such amount in an effort to sell you a secret that allegedly will make all of your dreams come true. Think about it! If there truly was such a secret, the person in possession of it would not be hawking it on a badly designed website using stock graphics.

The only way to increase your online residual income opportunities is through dedication and hard work and just a bit of business savvy you can get yourself without paying one red cent. Begin by building a website that is user-friendly as well as search engine friendly. You may then use it to sell the product you may have decided to sell. Conversely, you also have the option of signing up with a multi level marketing (MLM) company which will not only build you a website already populated with all the links you need and commerce tools you will require, but the company will even hold the product for you in their warehouse pending the sales!

Maximize your income potential and begin your road to residual income by recruiting other individuals to do the same thing. Invest your time in training them, helping them to build an online presence, and also coach and encourage them as needed. You will be rewarded with a small percentage of their overall profits, which will continue to trickle in long after your training and grooming of this individual will cease. What is more, if you sign up with a MLM company that has a generous remuneration plan, you will find that the people they recruit will also pay a small percentage of their profits to you, and thus if you are a successful recruiter who finds, grooms, and then turns out other successful recruiters, you are in the fast lane to making some serious residual income!

Self promotion and the utmost care in choosing a product and company are key components to increasing your online residual income opportunities, as faddish products, companies with bad reputations or a less than generous reward and remuneration structure will rarely attract others either as customers or potential recruits. In the same vein, ensure that the market is not overly saturated with the product you are selling for otherwise even the best developed plan is doomed to fail.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

How To Write A Keyword Article

Google search is the world's most popular search engine.Image via Wikipedia

There is a lot of talk these days about using keyword articles to attract visitors to a website and with the growing use of article marketing, there seems to be some benefit to using this method in a company's marketing plan. There is also some confusion about the use of keywords as well as what they are and what they mean to a website owner.

First of all, keywords are those entered into a search engine by an internet user who is looking for specific information. They may not know exactly what they are looking for but, they know what they want. For example, if a person is looking for home improvement tips about replacing ceramic floor tile, they have the option of entering many different search terms, which really is what keywords are all about.

They may enter the term 'replace ceramic floor' or simply enter 'ceramic floor' and start looking at the search results pages for the information they can use. Terms such as 'replacement floors' or 'replacement ceramics' may also be used and business owners will have no idea what terms the user will look for and when beginning their search most users rarely find what they want on the first few tries. Unless, there is an article somewhere that uses that exact phrase.

Typically, an article will contain a specific search term between four and 12 times, depending on the length of the article. The search terms needs to be placed in the article so that the writing remains grammatically correct and the phrase is a natural order as though it belongs there and not used simply to use it. Unfortunately, some websites will use what is termed keyword stuffing, which uses the phrase 30 or 40 times in a four or five hundred word article, which is a turn off for the search engines and really offers nothing useful to the web searcher.

Articles need to offer some value to the person conducting the search. If the company that sells replacement ceramic tile can produce a series of articles on the best way to remove the old tile, remove the old glue or cement from the surface, how to prepare the surface for new tile and other areas about the subject, they will provide valuable information that can draw visitors to their site where they may actually buy the tile.

These articles can be published on their own website on pages dedicated to helping potential customers learn how to replace the tile. They can also be published on homeowner remodeling sites as tips for others. One thing that articles cannot do is advise the readers to visit a specific site or a specific business. This is unacceptable to search engines as well as to other web ezine publishers.

All published articles can have an author's biography giving the author credit for the article as well as outline their competence in the subject matter. The block on these articles could talk about their experience level in ceramic tile replacement and the years they have been involved in the business as well as mention they operate a business at the website location, including a hot link.

Monday, May 12, 2008

How To Win At Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is the process of promoting the goods or services of another person in exchange for getting a commission every time that one of those goods or services is sold. Affiliate marketing in this way can be a very easy way for a person to get something done and when it comes right down to it the low cost and easy time commitments that affiliate marketing brings to the table are exactly what people need when they are starting up a business. However, this does not mean that everyone that tries affiliate marketing is going to be successful at it, so even though it is one of the easiest ways to start a business online, you still need to know how to win at affiliate marketing.


In real estate, location is the biggest thing. In affiliate marketing, location is also the biggest thing albeit in a different way. The location we are looking for in affiliate marketing is not the location of geography or region that real estate developers are interested in, but rather the location affiliate markets are looking for is the proper market to sell their products. Markets are targeted to different things and interested in different things and figuring out which markets are likely to like the products you are marketing is part of becoming a great affiliate marketer. You can make things a lot easier on yourself by ensuring that the affiliate marketing that you do is only directed at markets and people that are actually interested in those particular products.


There is a very sad story in some affiliate marketing circles and it is the story of the person that did not understand leverage. This person came up with a fantastic marketing plan for affiliate marketing and tried it on one product. That plan worked great, but because the profits that it brought in were not enough to sustain a full time income, the person gave up and heartbreakingly went back to their old job.

What is the lesson here? The lesson is that people need to consider leverage when they consider how to win at affiliate marketing. Figuring out a strategy that works is hard, but once you have that strategy your next goal becomes to leverage the strategy by applying it to as many different products as possible.

If you can make $100 a week selling a certain product, why not start building up your infrastructure so that you end up making $10,000 a week eventually by selling 100 products that each make $100 a week?

Critical Thinking

Location and leverage are two examples of things that came about as a result of critical thinking. Someone was faced with a problem (too few people interested in the general public or too little profit from selling one product) and came up with a solution by thinking on their feet. Everything that you do in affiliate marketing will require this type of critical thinking and it would be impossible to go through the hundreds of different ways that this is already true of the field. Just remember to always re-evaluate the situation you are in and try to think critically about ways that you can make it better.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Home Business Questions You Need to Ask

The ability to stay at home is increasing rapidly as new opportunities appear constantly; positions from sales representative opportunities to customer service and more. Finding the stay at home career that suits you can be as easy as asking yourself three simple questions:

1. What do I truly enjoy doing?
2. What amount of money or what is my budget for this business?
3. What resources and tools do I have at hand, that can be applied toward the business?

Asking these three questions will allow you to narrow down which field or areas of home business would best suit your interests as well as your personal needs.

Job Enjoyment

If you do not enjoy the job field you are in, over time you will begin to regret your job choice. It will become irritating to go to work each day. The dissatisfaction of your job will lead to a decline in attitude and personal happiness, which can affect your relationships with family and friends as well as co-workers. Your job performance will also lack due to this feeling of discontent. Asking yourself to what areas of work or business you enjoy will allow you to enter a job position knowing that this is a career you can perform every day and it will not lead to total unhappiness. There are always days where we do not feel like going to work even if we are in a dream job, but an enjoyable position is essential for job longevity.

Business Budget and Income Levels

When entering into a home business you have to take the necessary time required to thoroughly study your budget and income needs. You need to have enough savings to live within the means required to pay your bills, purchase personal items such as food and any other needed items for a minimum of three months. This allows enough time for your business to become established and to provide a flow of income. You also have to understand the required amount of funds needed to begin your business. What is the cost of materials, advertising, web hosting and so on? You want to provide an adequate amount of funding for each area of your business thus allowing a sturdy base for your business to be built upon. The majority of home businesses fail within the first year often due to lack of budgeting.

Resources and Tools

You also have to take the time to consider what tools or resources that you may possibly already have on hand. Consider computers, Internet access and a home phone line. These items are generally already on hand and in use daily. With these three tools you can begin the majority of home businesses that are available.

Once you have the answer to each of these questions you will be able to make the most knowledgeable choice for your home business. This will allow you to begin your business by putting your best foot forward on solid ground. By taking the necessary time to prepare for your stay at home job, will ensure that your business can thrive and succeed.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Work from Home for Fun and Profit

The :en:headquarters of :en:eBay in :en:San Jose, California.Image via Wikipedia

More and more people are catching on to the wonderful opportunities that exist through the internet to make money, being creative, selling junk they have lying around the house, and doing a myriad of other things that can bring in extra income. While few of these internet businesses will bring in enough cash to let you quit your day job, they are perfect if you would like a little more money to supplement your salary. Best of all, the range of internet based jobs is so vast, virtually anyone can find a business that caters to their talents and/or interests. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the more popular ways people are making more money from home.

The internet has created a demand for well written content. If you have always wanted to make money writing articles, this may be your chance to jump in and test the waters. Websites need a consistent flow of new content in order to rank well in the search engines and bring visitors back to their sites. They are willing to pay for this content, if you are willing to supply it. There are several ways to go about getting into this burgeoning industry. One way is to get an account at a freelancer job board and browse the listings. Website owners will place job needs on these websites and freelancers will bid for the job. There are also specific content websites that allow you to post your content, and webmasters will then purchase it directly from the site itself.

If writing isn’t your thing, but you are creative-minded, you might give some of the T-Shirt and crafts websites a try. These websites let you use Photoshop to create designs and logos, which you can then sell on a variety of products, from coffee mugs to hats to shirts. These sites usually take the majority of each sale, but they are also covering the costs of production, so it’s only fair.

And then of course there are the auction sites. Plenty has been written about how to make money with these sites, to the point where a rehash would be superfluous and beyond the scope of this article. The best way to start is to simply find things around your own house that you no longer want or need. Instead of letting these things collect dust or throwing them out with the trash, list them at the auction sites and see what you can get out of them. You may be surprised. If you find you like the process, read up on the selling strategies of those who have been successful and follow in kind.

The internet is constantly opening up new avenues for those who want to make money working from home. If you don’t like any of the existing models, nothing is stopping you from creating your own. The owners of eBay are making more than any seller, so if you have a great idea for a money making website, jump in with both feet and make it happen.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Understanding Marketing vs. Advertising

A McDonald's restaurant in Times Square.Image via Wikipedia

Many business owners get confused over two of the most common terms used, whether online or offline, and those are advertising and marketing. Essentially, the terms can be simplified with advertising referring to a particular product or service for a specified period of time and marketing is establishing the company's name and reputation. Although completely different in their theories, no businesses can survive without having a viable plan for both.

Advertising essentially is charged with having a product or service and creating a need or a perceived desire of the consumer to buy it. The advertising message is designed to create awareness that the product exists, how it will be of value to the consumer or make their lives easier because they have it and explain why they should buy it immediately. Many of today's advertisers, even internet advertisers use the four Ps of advertising of stating how the product benefits consumers, giving the price that reflects a great value for their money, informs the consumer of all the places they can find the product and promote the product for repeat or additional sales.

One of the downfalls of internet marketing has been the approach of marketing based on the company's objectives while ignoring the needs of the consumer and not taking profit into account. Many of the online marketers place their focus on recruitment of new distributors of a product or service and have no idea whether or not there is a need for the product. They also tend to take a shotgun approach to their marketing efforts, hoping at least one of several hundred shots will hit the target.

A pure marketing plan will anticipate the needs of the consumer and make information about the product available to the consumer before they realize they need it and want it. Planting this seed of desire can also help establish a higher price of the item and consumers are always willing to pay a premium price for something they believe they cannot do without.

While the principal of supply and demand has long been used to calculate prices on many products or services, it does not perform as well on internet service-based businesses. While supply and demand usually work together in creating market value, supply can influence demand causing an upward spiral in prices which can eventually lead to a lower level of demand.

In recent years, many electronic game companies have rigidly enforced the quantity of their products being produced or distributed, all the time using advertising to promote a perceived need for the product. While controlling the supply and advertising to increase demand, the price will drift higher in an open market.

To better define the difference, think about a favorite fast-food restaurant and if the first thing that comes to mind is one particular food item they sell, then advertising has done its job. If the first thing that comes to mind is the company's logo or a physical trait of their buildings, then marketing has won the battle.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Turn Income Streams into a Raging River

Illustration of the concept of affiliate marketingImage via Wikipedia

One of the key catch phrases of internet income is income stream. The term describes the origination of income for an online company or an individual working numerous online jobs, none of which will probably pay all of their bills. Unlike traditional jobs where the employee works in one place for several years, and has only one income stream, their paycheck, a person working multiple part-time positions on line may have as many as 100 different income streams flowing into their bank account.

Consider that many online companies use affiliate marketing as an income, with perhaps a dozen or more online companies having advertisements on their website. When one of these companies makes a sale to a customer referred by the site, the site owner receives a sales commission. Each affiliated company on the website is capable of generating an income stream for that website. If the site owner has a highly popular site that is attractive to advertisers, they may add another income stream in the form of advertising revenue.

The problem with affiliate marketing income is that it is seldom consistent. Different companies offer different types of merchandise and services for sale and if the offerings do not meet the needs or wants of the site's visitors, there is little chance of sales being made. The site owners will need to monitor the production of every affiliated ad on their site and only include the most revenue-producing companies in the mix.

The types of ads used on the website can also affect the customer response. While some customers may respond well to bright, colorful flashy advertisements others may prefer simple text based ads. Depending on the product being promoted the visitor demographic to the site, the ads need to focus on their interests in order to be effective at producing an income stream.

A business that has several income streams is often a new budgeting nightmare for the new home business owner. They may have spent years knowing which day of the week their paycheck was going to arrive and how much it was going to be worth. With several different streams of money arriving at different times of the week or month, many of these owners have a tough time budgeting their income. Their income level may be the same as their prior job, or even higher through their online business, but instead of having a lump sum arriving on Friday, it may be split into four unequal payments arriving on four different days of the week. If they do properly plan for this shift in income, they will have no trouble budgeting their income streams to last until the next stream flows by.

It is also important not to count on only one or two income streams to meet the financial needs of the online business. If there are only two streams feeding to business account and one of those streams begins to run slower or dries up, the owner will be scrambling to find replacement cash. However, having as many income streams as can be efficiently managed flowing in; the owner can easily survive one or more streams being dammed on their way to their income river.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Tips To Protect Yourself from Online Business Scams

Better Business BureauImage via Wikipedia

As products and services appear on the Internet and there is proof that money can be made through these venues, copy cats, hackers, and scam artists are quick to create twin sites that will easily fool consumers and those looking for work at home opportunities. Bank information, personal information (SSN), and physical money are taken fraudulently creating victims of fraud, Internet scams and identity theft. Far too many people believe that this cannot happen to him or her; this is just not the case.

The Despicable Scam Artists

If you were to take the time to look into the numerous scams and bogus business offers found online it would turn your stomach. It is disgraceful and frightening to see those online surveys, government grants; mystery shoppers and data entry clerks all make the list for scams online. Opportunities that were once available are now cause for red flags and alarm when searching on the Internet.

The Unfortunate Victims

The appeal of working from home can often prove to be more harmful than helpful for many who become victims of fraud through false business opportunities. Millions of dollars from career hopefuls are sent to online business addresses and promises of careers for home businesses are left unmet as a scam artist takes the money and runs. Once you become a victim of fraud you become full of paranoia. You no longer have a trust for businesses in general. It is an awful feeling to think that there is not a single business remaining that you can put your own personal information and money into.

Guidelines for Scam Protection

Following these suggestions can keep you from becoming a victim. Prevention is a good start to help us and others to keep life online as safe as possible. If we take the time to protect ourselves, perhaps we can begin to deter those scammers, hackers and online thieves.

  • Research a company or business prior to personal involvement. Look for records online showing proof that this is a legitimate business.

  • Protect your personal information such as your social security number, home address, telephone, email, or bank account details.

  • Do not send checks or other payments prior to receiving written information from the company.

  • Search for details of a business through the Better Business Bureau.

Prevention and Knowledge Is Key

Knowing how to protect yourself and your loved ones when searching for online opportunities is a must. Though the Internet is a useful tool it has transformed into a potential portal for thieves, predators, scam artists and other disgraceful types to prey on men, women and children alike. If we do not take precautions the cases of fraud and scam victims will continue to increase and the Internet will become an even greater threat to personal well-being. You can learn more about Internet scams on the Internet or through other media such as books and magazines at your local library. Arm yourself with knowledge and share it with those around you. Each and every person who is aware of Internet scams is another step towards ending it.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Five W's To Making Your Home Business Choice

If you remember back in elementary English class, your teacher told you about the five W's: who, what, why, where and when. These same words can be useful in assisting you in finding which area of business you want to pursue and what is needed to get begin your business. Following these simple tips provided here can make the home business journey much smoother and less complicated.


You first have to know why you want to pursue a home business. Is it simply about money? Do you want to make more money, direct your income towards yourself with no outside payments (employer)? Perhaps you are looking for more personal freedom for more time with family or friends. Are you unable to commute to work due to illness or other disabling effects? These questions can aid you towards a greater knowledge of what is your driving force in this career choice. You do not simply jump across a gorge to simply jump. You often have to get to the other side. Understanding why you are looking to work from home creates focus.


This area of questioning may sound silly as you are looking to work from home, but do you plan to travel to customers for any area of your business. Do you plan to set up a specific radius to meet or serve customers in? Do you want to reach a worldwide audience? This is all-important in setting up your business.


Who are your products or services for? Children, men, women, families, businesses are all possible target audiences. You have to ask who, so that you can do research on your audience in your location. Is there a large base of your target audience in a remote, general or worldwide location? This is key in marketing and sales.


Which area of business interests you the most? Do you enjoy creating a product by hand or is it the actual sales of the product? There are areas of business that are enjoyable and that are where you will flourish. There are also areas that can create struggle and understanding your strengths and weaknesses can help you to prepare for the good and bad of home business.


What type of business do you want to be a part of? Do you want to sell homemade toys or do you want to offer a product that is manufactured elsewhere? Do you want to offer services such as tutoring or sewing and alterations services? Perhaps you want to create an information product that can be downloaded. Narrow down your choices and find what you truly want to do within your home business.

These five areas are simple, but make a big impact on your business set up. The answers guide you to make the most suitable business choices that will end in satisfaction as well as success. If you simply say that you want to sell pet supplies online and you don't even like or own pets, how satisfied will you be doing this each and every day? When you make a change to a home business you have to ensure that there is a drive, a goal and an enjoyment that will make this choice worthwhile and long lasting.