Monday, March 31, 2008

Your eBay Business

One of the easiest and profitable ways to get off the ground with your own home based business is to start with an eBay account and a plan to start making money. An eBay business takes little to no startup capital and can wind up being as profitable and successful as the most prominent independent companies. It takes research, determination, and skill, but if you have these tools and a desire to learn, than you can make a success out of your eBay business.

Many businesses on eBay started off as little more than people seeing others around them selling off their unwanted merchandise, oftentimes for better prices than they would get in the classified section of their local paper. This is the way many eBay fortunes have begun. Simply look around your apartment or house and wonder at all the junk you have accumulated over the years. What is collecting dust today could be making you money tomorrow. Research a bit (which is as easy as browsing eBay for sold items) and see what you might be likely to get for your old, unwanted stuff. If the prices seem worth it to you, go ahead and start selling. At the very least, you’ll get your feet wet and see if eBay selling is something you might be interested in pursuing on a grander scale.

The next thing you’ll want to do is some broader research into the eBay world. First, make a list of about ten items you might want to sell on the auction giant. Then research these items and see how the competition is. It is possible to compete with established eBay companies, but this can be difficult for the fledgling startup. It would be far better to find a niche that seems to be mostly ignored, and target that base. It can even be a subset of a more popular and competitive market. Just by more specifically targeting the base, you can have a successful business on eBay.

Another way to make money on eBay, with almost no need for up front capital, is by selling informational e-Books. There is an entire section on eBay dedicated to these books. Surely you know how to do something better than anyone else you know. If not, research is your friend. If you can write, then you have all the tools necessary to create one of these powerful money making informational e-Books. It costs nothing, and you can sell it for any price you wish. The result, minus insertion fees, is pure profit.

Regardless of what you finally decide to sell, you will have to provide a decent product for a competitive price. Just like in the rest of the world (perhaps even more so), eBay is strictly run by the law of supply and demand. There is too much competition online to think you will make a success of your eBay business with anything less than full dedication and the perseverance needed to make any small company work in the long run.

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Friday, March 28, 2008

Viral Marketing May Boost Business Exposure

Advertising is the key to success for any business, as people can't turn into customers if they don't know you exist and don't know how you can meet their needs. Traditional advertising, such as print and broadcast media has been around since a day or two after the invention of the printing press and following the birth of radio. Direct marketing could have been born with the Pony Express but despite all the years of using these types of advertising, the internet has cast a new light on marketing a business.

While the cost of internet advertising may seem cheap considering the number of potential customers it can reach, for companies with a brick and mortar presence, advertising globally just may not make sense. If your business is located in Iowa and your advertising appears in England or in Africa, chances are the return on your advertising investment will not be what you expected.

While internet businesses can gain tremendously from internet marketing, it can get expensive over time and many people do not open emails that appear to be advertising in nature and pop-up advertising windows usually just irritate people to the point that they won't buy from you even if it is something they need in an emergency. The best advertising you can hope for is to have others send your advertising message to their friends, free, without being asked and without complaining.

The use of viral marketing has been growing and simply involves having internet users distributing your advertising message of their own free will. One of first and most successful uses of viral marketing was when companies began offering free email accounts. A brief advertising message appears at the bottom of every email sent, usually including a link for the advertiser and whenever people signed up for the free email service, every email they sent out contained the message.

This resulted in advertising being sent out by the user of the free email, every time they sent correspondence. Viral marketing of this type is typically either extremely cheap or free, with the email company receiving a percentage of any sales made as a result of the message included in emails. While the sales were based on the recipients' clicking on the link in the email, the number of clicks was relatively small, but the percentage based on the number of emails sent improved as more people took advantage of the free email offers, the commission from the sales more than paid for hosting the email service.

Finding a product on which to place your advertising that can be given out free, and which in turn will be handed to others by the original recipient can be an easy means of reaching more people with a smaller investment.

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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Understanding The Real Cost Of Free Websites

There are numerous offers on the internet that promise to provide you with a free website from which you can make a ton of money, selling their products or services. That’s right, at no cost to you, the company will accept you as a distributor for their products and give you a website and any sales that come from your site will result in a huge commission check. On top of that, if you can recruit more people to accept their free website, then you can receive a commission on their sales as well.

All of this is free and sounds good on paper, but when reality sets in you will soon learn that there is no such thing as a free lunch, or website. Yes, most of these companies will give you a free website, a replication of their own site and it will be configured with your name or company name on the landing page. It will also track the visitors that place orders through your site and yes, they will pay the promised commission. The challenge for you is getting visitors to your specific website.

This is when the free website begins to cost money. For sake of argument, consider a company sells vitamins and you are now a vitamin distributor for its brand. Chances are, you have joined a group of more than 100 other websites selling vitamins for the same company and you all have the same title on your website. A person searching for the company name may end up with a choice of 50 or more sites with the same name as a result of their search, and research shows that most user only look at the first 10, and in rare cases 20, of the top search results.

The odds of a search making your site one of the top searches is extremely low so you will have to become involved in network and online marketing just to make your site standout. Additionally, if you did manage to recruit others into the program, you have added to the competition. Print advertising that includes your specific website name may work, but most internet savvy users know that anything past the “/” in a site name is usually meaningless.

Your site’s name for tracking purposes is for instance, "" and people only type in, they will end up at the company’s main website. You did the advertising and will receive none of the financial benefit because the sale did not come from your site.

You can spend more money by producing articles about the benefits of vitamins, with a signature link that includes your web address, but most free distribution articles are not picked up. Paying for distribution to a few hundred potential users increases the chance of them being used, and while the cost may be small, it will need to be recurring if you hope for any type of success.

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Understanding Business Profit And Loss

For most home business owners and many small business operators, their idea of a profit and loss statement, P&L in business parlance, may be oversimplified. If they had more income than expenses, they made a profit. If not, they had a loss and will usually try to find more business or increase prices to turn the trend around. By better understanding their own business's profit and loss statement, they will be able to determine not only how much money is earned and spent, but also track their expenses to gain better control of the finances.

The first thing to remember is that there is a difference between a budget and a profit and loss statement. Income is projected and expenses are budgeted, based on the income projection. If the income does not meet the forecast, certain expenses will need to reigned in to make the profit and loss statement come in on the plus side at the end of the month.

The business's P&L can be as simple or as complex as you choose to make it, but the more tracking of expenses that you do, the better handle you can have on what needs to be done to control your profit amount. For example, you can simple include a line in your expense column pertaining to utilities and lump them all together. However, to get a better picture of where your money is going, you will want to break them down into subcategories such as electric, gas, water and telephone.

By keeping them separate you may see a need to bring telephone costs under control by eliminating unnecessary lines that seldom ring or find ways to save on your electric costs. If you deduct for business use of your home, you will have a pretty good idea of what your costs for utilities, rent, insurance and other expenses will be based on the percentage of your home's cost deducted for business use of the home.

One of the first things to budget, which has the greatest impact on your P&L will be income. Whether you sell a product or service, you will need to track all forms of income, as well as allow for deductions due to refunds and rebates and any discounts offered as customer incentives. Tracking this on the P&L is fairly easy, as if the money comes into the business it is considered income. The source can be itemized as well to help indicate how you may go about increasing income.

Expenses in the budget can be calculated as a fixed dollar amount or a percentage of income, which usually provides greater control over spending. Itemized expenses on the P&L can also make filing income taxes easier as you will have a monthly record of how much money came into the business as well as where every dollar went that left the business.

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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Secret to Success

Many people have tried to succeed in the business world and indeed in terms of the successes or failures of different people, there are three general categories that can be used. Firstly, there are the people that are failures; people that really have no success and after a period of denial are eventually forced to give up on their business and go do something else. Then, there are the people that are successful; they are able to parlay their business into something that earns them a nice five figure income that they are satisfied with and can live on. And finally, there are the people that are enormously successful; these are the people you hear about all the time that become millionaires and are able to live a life that is the stuff of dreams because of the money that they have.
The question that most people will ask themselves in regards to this scenario has to do with the difference. Depending on the specific case, most people can figure out the difference between the first group and the latter two groups; it usually has to do with a lack of motivation, a lack of perseverance or the inability to deal with failure and just move onto something else. However, the difference between the second and third group is harder to figure out; after all, for the most part those two people start off the same and a lot of their business development is the same getting to the point of a five figure income. What, then, becomes the difference later on?
Well, in the majority of these comparisons, the difference has to do with a lack of diversification on the part of a person that has the five figure income. If a person builds a business that makes them $75,000 a year, then they might realistically have no problems whatsoever with that income. This is because the person might have all their needs met and not really want to try and increase their income.
However, the person that goes on to eventually become a millionaire is not going to be satisfied with that amount. They will take as much money as they can aquire and instead of spending it on a lifestyle enjoyed by a person with a $75,000 income, they will re-invest it. Either into another business or back into expanding the one they already have. This kind of person is not interested in living the lifestyle of a $75,000 income person; they want to make more money and have no problems living in less luxury now if it means they can live in more luxury later. A person like this has an income figure in their head from the start and keeps on working at it until they are making that income figure; usually through diversification.

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Monday, March 24, 2008

The Reality Of Guaranteed Results

Thousands of emails and hundreds of free offers for getting into your own business flood internet mailboxes on a daily basis. Free trial offers that promise a full refund if the buyer is not completely satisfied with the first (insert number of days here). However, while a majority of these offers may be for a legitimate business opportunity, the concept has been spoiled by a few who don't really want to get involved with issuing refunds. Chances are your money has been spent on another enterprise and until it takes off, the refund will be slow in coming.

Before filling out the send it now form with your personal information and credit card number, make sure you can find the contact information on the website. Don't be fooled into believing that information will be available when you receive your download or welcome information pack. A person or company that hides behind an email address and offers no other way to get in touch with the company, is probably not going to be around long enough to issue a refund.

Most companies offering guaranteed results have many specifications you have to follow in order to achieve the success they promise. Their idea of part-time and full-time may not by the same as yours and many times, the work that has to be done will far exceed 40 hours per week. While many people understand that owning their own business will require a significant investment in time, 80 to 90 hours per week working on a proven plan for making money is not what they had in mind.

Also consider the investment you are being asked to make. Many companies not only want to sell you their technology included in their website, but will also want monthly fees for continuing to use their name. While many franchises charge for their name and reputation as well as training materials, supplies and other items used in the business, many online companies charge only for their name. The value of their brand is subjective, usually set by them, and you have nothing with which it can be compared.

Before investing any money, check with the Better Business Bureau both in your area as well as the area in which the company is located. There may also be internet blogs that talk about companies and their ability to swoon their customers into sending them money and getting nothing in return. Run their name through some search engines to see if they show up and search for the products they claim to sell. If they can't be found online, chances are your page for their products will also be hidden from view. Without internet traffic your website will be meaningless.

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Friday, March 21, 2008

Disadvantages of Online Business

One of the topics that is often discussed on forums and message boards around the internet is the topic of online business.  A number of people will tell you exactly what they think about online business and to people that have been successful in it, the majority of what they say is positive. This is because there is a bias in the positive direction when it comes to online business because many of the people in online business sell products specifically about how to make money online.  Therefore, there is an inherent conflict of interest in the things they tell you. One topic not often considered is the topic of how it might be disadvantageous to get involved in online business.  There are definite disadvantages to online business and some of them are discussed below.
Firstly, there is the distraction factor. Online business usually entails working from home and therefore you can find any distraction at home in order to take you away from working on your online business. The television, the stovetop, the microwave, the bed and the backyard are all distractions that can result in people getting dropped from online business and losing their sense of concentration.  Concentration is key in online business and ultimately it is going to be what drives people forward to succeed.
However, the offline distractions are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to online business. Because a lot of online business work is tedious and boring, it is easy to get distracted.  Have you ever heard people playing online games in the workplace because their job is boring at times? Well, consider how that could easily be you if you are working at an online business.  You'd be sunk before you even started and that is not going to be good for anyone; least of all you.
In addition to distraction, there is also the competitive nature of online business. If you want to get involved in a particular niche, chances are there are already going to be people there ahead of you.  And with the internet, larger people can crush smaller people a lot easier than big businesses can crush small ones. Competitors think nothing of discrediting each other and ultimately everyone is only interested in selling their products and making money.  It is a cut-throat world on the internet and people that aren't aware of this could get crushed so fast it would make their head spin.
So, as you can see, there are a number of disadvantages to online business. This is not to say that it can not be lucrative; far from it in fact.  The internet gives you a great chance to reach people you would never have been able to reach otherwise and it is primarily for that reason that you need to be aware of all of the disadvantages inherent to online business; to understand both the good and the bad.

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Starting Your Home Business

In order to begin your home business you have to make plans to get started. Without a plan you go nowhere or you go in circles accomplishing nothing. In order to begin your business on the right path you should come up with a business plan, a marketing plan and a home plan.  Your business plan is a necessary item that will be needed for loan applications, the hiring of employees, for business affiliates and personal goal setting. You want to have information such as what your business is named and what the mission of your business is. What is your product or service and who is it being made for. Who is your target customer base? What will it cost to make your product and what can you sell it for? What will be your end profit? These key pieces of information are needed especially when you require start up funds. These can be funds from a bank loan or an affiliate who is willing to become a financial backer of your company. Create a binder or portfolio for your business plan. Make copies and keep this accessible for times when it is needed.

Included in your business plan should be a marketing plan or an advertising campaign. How do you plan to provide the consumer public with information about your business, product or service? Will you be renting a billboard, running newspaper advertisements, magazine ads, television, radio and so on? Will you have a website or be running Internet ads such as those sponsored by Google ad sense or Microsoft ad center? What is the cost of each advertisement media? Do you have the funding for these advertising efforts or do you need outside funds? This once again shows any outside parties that you have done the needed research to know how you plan to reach the consumer public for sales. You can also include the percentages or charts that show success of similar advertising campaigns and how well your marketing choices will relate to your business.

A home plan is for the benefit of you and your family while your business takes shape. You have to be realistic in the facts that a business does not become a hit success over night. Money, time and effort are needed before you will see a solid flow of income from your home business. You need to be aware of your household budget per week and month. Be sure that you have at a minimum three months worth of savings to allow for household expenses including utilities, food, gas, hygiene items etc. This will allow you to apply other funds to your business without creating strife in your home. You may also want to maintain a part time job position at your current job or elsewhere. If your spouse works this may not be required. The exact plans for a household will vary on the specific family needs. Preparation is key to a successful business start up as well as successful home life as the transition from an outside job to a home based career take place.

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Boosting Morale By Allowing Your Employees To Work From Home

Are you losing good employees to the work at home market? This is something that many employers struggle with because they have found that people enjoy working from home. They are able to spend time with their families and do the things around the house that need to be done. Also, they can usually get much more done during the day by working from home than they would be able to do by working for you in your office. Therefore, you might have found that many of your employees leave what they are doing for you in order to work from home. You are then left with a bunch of people who aren't very good and who are not able to do the work that you had with your good employees. There are several things that you can do about this. First of all, you can help your employees by allowing them to keep working for you, but do most of it from home.

It all depends on your business, but most likely there is going to be something that your employees can do at home. Think about all of the things that they do each day, and unless they are working with customers the entire time they are there, they can probably do some or all of their work at home. Remember that if you can work out a system where your employees are allowed to do some or all of their work from home, they will probably be happier and better able to do the work that needs to be done at the office.

If you allow your employees to do what they can do at home, without having to worry about taking a dock in pay for it, you are going to find that you will have much better employees. This means that you will be able to take advantage of the morale that your employees have, and you will also be able to make them much happier with you and much happier in their lives in general. Allowing your employees to do what they can do at home will mean that when they are working in your office they are less likely to be bored or frustrated or burnt out. If you can have them come in several times a week for meetings or to do what they need to do, you will find that they are better able to have the morale that you need for your business.

Boosting morale is always a better way to get things done, rather than trying to drive your employees to work harder than they want to work. If you can make them happier with their lives by allowing them to have some time to work at home during the week you will find that they are actually going to produce more for you ,and be happier with the business overall. This might be the best way that you have to keep the good employees you have and attract new employees.

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Successful Companies in the United States

When studying business and trying to get one of your own off the ground, one of the most important lessons you can learn comes not from a textbook but from observation. Nothing shows the young entrepreneur what works and what doesn't by studying the most successful businesses and what they have done to reach their lofty heights. That doesn't mean you should copy their business model from stem to stern, but the examination of their practices may give you some good ideas about how to launch, maintain, and progress with your company through the life of your career.

The first company the wise entrepreneur should look at is Nike. The company is the largest sportswear provider in the world. It doesn't matter what you're trying to sell, though, be it sneakers or computers, there are lessons to be learned from Nike's history and their continued success in the American marketplace. These lessons range from successful logo and motto (there are few among us who cannot identify the Nike swoosh or the motto "Just Do It"), to the determined drive that the company put forth in making sure they permeated the entire sports and fashion world. While Nike may be best known for sneakers, an enormous part of their profits and business model comes from sweatshirts, t-shirts, shorts, pants, hats, and jackets. Anything you can feasibly put the swoosh on, they've tried it. And through doing this, they've established themselves as the dominant force in the sportswear marketplace.

Apple, Inc, is not only a wonderful company to look at when one considers those companies that are successful and have made a strong name for themselves in the marketplace, but they are a great example of a company that mastered the art of the comeback. At the start of the eighties, it was basically Apple and IBM in a race for first place. Thousands of homes all over America had Apple personal computers on their desks. But just a few scant years later, the PC was king, Microsoft was everything, and Apple was forgotten. Though they maintained a place in the marketplace with mildly successful software applications, they didn't break through again until the late nineties with a product called the iMac. This computer was revolutionary in virtually no way, other than its marketing campaign and its exterior design. With its translucent, colorful shell, the iMac went on to become a major success, and give Apple its first profitable days in five years. This was of course followed by the enormously successful iPod and iPhone, and today Apple is in a better market position than ever before.

Studying companies such as Apple and Nike (and thousands of others) is important for a variety of reasons. Not only can these companies relate terrific stories of how to succeed in today's world, but they can be mightily inspirational for the up and coming entrepreneur. There are a plethora of books available, and recommended for anyone wanting to compete in today's America.

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The 10 Deadly Sins of an Affiliate Marketing Article

At this point in time there is not an online entrepreneur left who does not recognize the immense power and promise that the use of an affiliate marketing article offers. Sure, text links and banner ads are great, but when it comes to creating the kind of advertising vehicle that consumers will hold on to and even pass on to others, you cannot beat article marketing! Of course, like any other good thing there are pitfalls to avoid.

As a matter of fact, the 10 deadly sins of an affiliate marketing article must be avoided at all cost, lest your company’s reputation will suffer!

1. Whatever you do with your affiliate marketing article, do not use it to spam a blog or a forum. Some self proclaimed marketers have attempted to use such articles as forum posts and while they might write different introductions for the article to make it look like an ad hoc posting in response to another forum poster, within a few short sentences it becomes painfully obvious that the post is little more than an unwelcome sales pitch.

2. Unless you are a seasoned wordsmith, have your affiliate marketing article ghostwritten. The sheer volume of badly written articles – be it diction, grammar, or punctuation – is legion and there is little more embarrassing than having your customers point out a number of mistakes and errors.

3. Fact-check your articles. This is vital when you use statistical data but also quotes.

4. Keep it pithy. 400 to 500 words are more than sufficient to write a worthwhile piece of non fiction to market your company, good, or service. Exceeding the 800 word count is pushing it.

5. Do not put all of your advertising eggs in one basket but instead commission (if you use a ghostwriter) a number of articles that look at the topic and product form a number of different angles. This puts volume behind your marketing campaign and while one approach may not appeal to your readers, another one might have just the hook you need to get the reader to turn into a buyer.

6. Do not overdo the pitch in your affiliate marketing article. Sure, you want everyone to know that your products and company are the cat’s meow, but unless you temper substance with advertising, you will not find too many readers.

7. Advertise one thing only per article. Choose your product, your company, or an email newsletter you are offering for free. Cutting down on the things marketed permit for the development of a great strategy throughout the article.

8. Forgetting to include an opt-in link to your mailing list or email newsletter subscription database is perhaps the most egregious of the 10 deadly sins of an affiliate marketing article. Each article that is not offering that option simply is not working hard enough for you!

9. Having too many articles that differ in tone. While some articles may lend themselves to be spunky but intellectual, the failure to have your article ghostwritten by one writer will lead to a number of different skill levels to craft your work. Instead, request that one freelancer be given the assignment to make sure the tone remains similar.

10. Last but not least, cutting and pasting freely available material from the Internet is a deadly sin that might not get you in trouble, but it will show that your company has nothing new to offer. This is not the impression you want your clientele to have of you, your product, or the company you represent!

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Monday, March 17, 2008

Online Home Based Business Schedule

In order to run a successful online home based business, you need to create a work-at-home schedule that allows you to get all your work done each day. Even though you work from home, you still need to be productive in order to earn a living. If you are the type who procrastinates, then you may want to reconsider working from home. Those who are able to motivate themselves usually are successful. But this does not mean that people who lack self motivation skills can't learn, it may just be more difficult than for others. Creating a daily schedule may be necessary in order to maintain a steady pace.

In order to create an efficient schedule, you need to write down all the daily tasks that need to be accomplished during the day. Once you have these tasks written down, then you can begin to create a schedule. Based on the number of hours you want to work each day, you should set realistic times for completion so you aren't rushing through them. Instead, you can take your time to make sure they are done correctly. Many people believe they can accomplish more during the day than is actually possible, so learning how to budget time and gauge how much time each tasks takes can help you plan for your day.

Investing in a calendar, dry erase board, and other materials to create your schedule will help in the long run. Once you have a list, you can check off items as they are completed, add or subtract from the list, and determine how long you need to work each day. The more time you put into your business in the beginning, the more successful it will be. Online businesses are a wonderful opportunity for you to work from home, but you need to maintain a work ethic that is strong. Because you may have to complete various tasks that others in your previous job may have completed, you will find that there aren't enough hours in the day to get all the work done. This will change once your business is established, but you may need to put in extra hours in the evening and on weekends in order to make your business grow.

Online home businesses that sell products to others will require more work than selling services, or digital items such as books and manuals that can be downloaded onto a customer's computer. If you sell products on online auction sites or through a website, you will have to work out a packing and shipping schedule so you aren’t spending all of your time running to the post office to ship an order. Selecting one or two days a week to pack and ship items will help your work load tremendously. Depending on the popularity of your product, you may need to increase these days, especially around the holidays. When you stay focused on running your business and sticking to a schedule, you will find that success is not difficult to achieve. 

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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Choosing Home Office Equipment For Your Business

When you begin preparing for your home business you want to be sure that you have all of the equipment that you need. The best way to do this is to make a list, prepare a budget for your equipment, and then begin shopping for your needed items. You want to consider a way to contact clients, keep records, send updates or shipment information and perform business research. As technology moves forward it is a must to have a computer for your home business. This is one piece of equipment that can perform many duties. You can do research online, store client records, send emails and copies of other needed information to your business affiliates. Choosing between a Mac and a PC is a personal choice. Visiting a local office supply store can help you to increase your knowledge of which computer system will best suit your needs. Price can also cause you to choose one system over another. You may be required to choose a model that is not quite your preference but will get the job done until your budget increases.

The next piece of equipment you will need to look into is a copier/printer/fax machine. You can find a machine that carries all of these in one piece or you can purchase each separately. These can be found at most local office supply stores. Prices will vary due to brand names and functions as well as your budget. Looking for a piece of equipment that carries all of these functions in one can save on space, which can be a must when working from a small home office. Once you have found this item you will want to look into a phone with an answering system. This may not be necessary as most people have a cellular phone with voicemail to perform the same function as a landline/ home phone line. Ensuring that you have a method of contact for business emergencies is very important. If there is an issue with a shipment or product you can be reached quickly for an immediate resolution to the problem.

You may already have a desk and chair for your home office. You want to be sure to look at those items. Are they comfortable and functional? Many people who sit at a desk and a computer for the day suffer from wrist, shoulder, neck, back and even leg pain. These pains are often due to the furniture that they are seated at. Ergonomics is the study of how an item connects to a person and how it affects the person’s health. Searching an ergonomic furnishings sight can offer solutions for your pain problems in a chair with proper back support or a wrist rest for your keyboard etc. These items may be more costly but they can prevent pain and discomfort as you work. 

Price is not always a sign that a piece of equipment is better than another. You should look for reviews on a piece of equipment. You can do so online. Looking for positive feedback can help you to choose the right pieces of office equipment for your home business. Keep in mind that you can make purchases that get the job done now and upgrade to items that will be for the long run in the future. Having what you need on hand to begin your business venture is what is key.

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Saturday, March 15, 2008

Becoming an Affiliate Marketing Entrepreneur in Six Easy Steps

One of the premier vehicles of making extra money for any savvy webmaster is the use of affiliate links. As a successful affiliate of any number of businesses, it is up to you to promote businesses which may be either online stores or brick and mortar businesses with store fronts that offer products which might be of interest to the visitors who come to your site. In the past, you could tell who was heavily engaged in the affiliate marketing trade simply by the copious amount of flashing banner ads and pop up windows; at this point in time, marketing techniques have been greatly refined and the odds are good that many an affiliate marketer is marketing to you at this very moment perhaps without even noticing it!

Becoming an affiliate marketing entrepreneur in six easy steps is a good idea for any webmaster that is ready to enter the fray:

1. Understand the lingo of affiliate marketing. Like any other business it is fraught with abbreviations and whether you are dealing with PPC or PPS makes a huge difference in remuneration. Once you are familiar with the terminology, check for trends in these terms and you will most likely have a good chance at ferreting out what is hot and what is on its way out.

2. Craft a website that is not only user friendly but also search engine friendly. It is immaterial if this is a personal opinion blog site, an online magazine, a site that is created with the specific purpose of selling a good, or a promotional site for a celebrity. Whatever you choose to make the topic of your site, do it well, make the content sticky so that visitors will come back time and again, and then ensure that you go through all the steps of search engine optimization.

3. Entering the business as an affiliate marketing entrepreneur now requires that you find businesses with which you wish to affiliate yourself. The businesses should offer products or services of interest to the kinds of visitors your website receives and the remuneration scheme should be favorable to you. In other words, if you decide to affiliate yourself with a piano manufacturer who will pay $100 per sale, but requires you to have a $1,000 account balance prior to payout, you need to ask yourself how realistic it is to make 10 sales within a month or two. If this does not strike you as realistic, it is wiser to stay away.

4. Advertise your business and also the affiliate in newsletters, customer emails, and informative articles.

5. Track your success. Granted, most likely the company will do its own tracking of your sales and clicks, but it does not hurt to compile reports not only to double check for accuracy but also to explore trends and attempt new marketing campaigns.

6. Have the kind of flexibility to cut lose a program that does not perform. If one program is not making you any money, it is wise to drop it in favor of another one that holds better promise.

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Friday, March 14, 2008

Five Reasons Why Affiliate Marketing Articles Generate Sales

Affiliate marketing articles generate sales and even though this medium has been overlooked until just recently, it is finally beginning to truly take off. Thanks in part to the freelance writers who create top notch content in which entrepreneurs can embed links at will, there are five reasons why affiliate marketing articles generate sales to such an extent as to even astound those who track online sales performance data for a living:

1. An article – as opposed to a banner ad or text link – enables the entrepreneur to put into about 400 to 500 words a plethora of reasons why the purchase of a product, use of a service, or choice of one company over another ensures personal satisfaction to the consumer. Much like the tried and true sales psychology of the 1980s that played on the fact that men sought to be admired while women wanted affirmation, affiliate marketing articles enable creative writers to generate these feelings in their readers and thus make your business stand out head, shoulders, and torso above the rest.

2. Affiliate marketing articles provide your company the unique opportunity to fulfill basic consumer needs, such as the assurance of pleasure and the avoidance of discomfort – either physical or fiscal. Tying together your product or company with a promise of gain or an assurance of safety from problems not only persuades potential clients to give your company a second look, but more often than not will spare you from being lumped in with the competition that has not yet caught on to the marketing opportunities offered by this medium.

3. “Free” is a word that no consumer can resist and if your affiliate marketing articles reference a freebie of any kind you can be sure that they get read! Offer a free coupon to a good or service from your business or perhaps a free e-book, stickers, or any other goodies that are cheap to manufacture and send out but create a sense of goodwill with your consumer base. The results are amazing and make your product irresistible!

4. Savvy entrepreneurs have used their affiliate marketing articles to fulfill the most basic human need of belonging to something greater than oneself. Thus, many such articles contain free membership offers to clubs or email groups, private chat rooms or action committees. In some cases marketers have chosen to offer exclusive membership to focus groups where for little if any remuneration the consumer would speak out on marketing trends and things that work and do not. This of course is highly profitable for the marketer and fulfills the basic need of belonging the consumer has, making your business the one website she or he will visit time and again.

5. Unlike banner ads or text links, affiliate marketing articles provide the perfect sales vehicle to deliver a deadline based pitch. Spell out over the course of 400 words why missing this once in a decade sale will be the bane of their existence, and before long you find that sales are increasing dramatically!

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Work From Home Assembly Jobs

Many people think that working form home is only for those who are good at typing or who can do other things online. However, there are also jobs that can suit all kinds of people. You might be interested in work from home assembly jobs. These are jobs that are done from the comfort of your own home, and jobs that might suit you very well.

With work from home assembly jobs you are going to be given the parts that you will need to put together. These can be all sorts of things, so you will be able to find work from home assembly jobs in any different area that you are interested in. in fact, you might be able to find several different work from home assembly jobs that you can have at the same time. This can be an easy way for you to make the money that you need to make and to be able to take care of your family.

With work from home assembly jobs you will be located at your home, and the companies or people will ship things to you to be put together. There are all sorts of these things that you might be interested in, and all sorts of things that will need to be put together. Therefore, work from home assembly jobs are very popular and are jobs that you will be easily able to find.

When you have work from home assembly jobs you will have to have a home area or an office where parts can be brought or shipped to you. Once you have them you will put them together in whatever way you would like to ,and then either ship them on or wait for them to be picked up. This is how work from home assembly jobs work and they are very good jobs for lots of people.

There are some things to remember about work from home assembly jobs however. First of all, you want to be sure that as you are doing work from home assembly jobs you are understanding the various things that you have to put together. Also be sure that you are leaving yourself enough time to do the actual work so that you are able to get all of the work done in the right time frame. Be sure as well that you have researched the company so that you know you are working for a company that is legit and that the job will also be legit. This is something that will be very important with any work form home job. When you have work from home assembly jobs, you want to be sure that you are able to know where the parts are coming from, what you are supposed to be doing with them, and what to do with them when you are done. Remember that you should not take work from home assembly jobs that are requiring you to do anything illegal. Make sure the pay is right for you as well.

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Finding Out Who Really Owns Your Business

Every home business owner loves the idea of owning their own business, but after a while it may become apparent that although their name is on the door and they are accountable for every legal aspect of the business, they may not be the actual owner. Whether you have accepted a business offer from an online customer, bought into a franchise or accepted investments from friends or relatives, the ownership or your home business has may be filled with some wrinkles.

In the online business world, you have probably seen the offers to sign up with a company to run your own business. Even though your name or the name of your business will be on the website, it is still owned by the main company. You are nothing more than a distributor for their products or services and without choice are following their business model, selling their products at pre-set prices and earning what the company says you are going to earn.

That is not to say it is a bad thing, but many people who join these companies delude themselves into thinking they are business owners. You will not be able to make any changes on the website, nor will you be able to sell anything that is not from the main company and in a majority of these businesses you will not be allowed to adjust pricing. The only thing you can control is how much money you spend on marketing this new business venture.

Franchising in an excellent way to open a business, whether brick and mortar or strictly online, but it presents a similar situation for the franchise business owner. Fess will be charged to take advantage of any national advertising campaigns and you are restricted to using only products bought from them or their authorized distributors. Again, your name will be right up there as owning the franchise for the business, but the business itself.

Funding for a new business can be difficult, with a few choices available. If you have managed to save money over several years to fund your own start-up business and accept money from no outside sources, then you are truly the business owner. If you take money from investors, they may believe they have a say in how the business operates as they want to protect their investment and if you max out your credit cards to fund your new business, then it is owned jointly by you and the credit card companies.

One mistake many new business owners make is asking for loans from relatives to get their business up and running. While it may seem like a good idea at the time, conversation at holiday gatherings will go in the same direction as the business. If business is good and everyone is making some money from their investments then holiday meals can be a happy and fun time. Conversely, if business is not going as well as expected, turkey may not be the only thing discussed at the family Thanksgiving meal.

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Popularity of Work from Home Customer Service Jobs

As more and more businesses are discovering the benefits of hiring people to work from home, the number of jobs has increased. Customer service, appointment setting, and help desk positions are being offered to those who are willing to receive training needed to adequately answer customer questions and requests. From airline reservations to helping customers with electronics, there are plenty of positions available to those who want to work from home.

In order to qualify for a work from home position, you have to prove that you're qualified to perform all the daily tasks required of you. This usually means sending in a resume and cover letter, filling out an application, and participating in a phone interview. Because these types of positions require employees to be self-motivated, businesses screen all applicants carefully so they can choose the ones that will be the most dedicated to the job. Most positions require you to work a certain shift each day, cover shifts during the evening and on weekends when necessary, and be available for on-site training.

Additional requirements for these types of positions include having a dedicated phone line for work purposes, a computer with high speed Internet connection, a private work space that's away from children and other distractions, and a pleasant phone voice and demeanor that's necessary when dealing with disgruntled customers. Prior customer service experience may be necessary, but may not be for all positions available. If meet these criteria, then you may be a good candidate for this type of work.

Customer service positions are needed in many different industries from hospitality to insurance. Your main task is to provide information to customers or help them sign up for services offered through your company. You may also have to track customer orders, help them return items or help them fix minor problems. Most positions are full-time with varied shifts so you can find a shift that fits into your lifestyle.

When looking for an at home job, you should verify that the job is legitimate. This can be done by visiting the Better Business Bureau website to see if any complaints have been filed against the company. You can also research the company online to find out information such as how long they have been in business, what they offer to customers, and the types of positions they typically hire for. This will give you a better idea of how to craft your cover letter as well.

If you are selected for an interview, you should find a quiet place to conduct this interview so you increase your chances of being hired. Answer all questions truthfully, speak naturally, and try to give a good first impression. You may be asked to read from a script so the interviewer can determine if you can communicate effectively with customers. If you will need special equipment, it will be sent to you after you accept the job offer. Most people are very happy working from home and helping others during the day.

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Monday, March 10, 2008

Staying Organized In Your Home Office

Nothing makes working from a home office more frustrating than not being able to find anything when you need it. While most business owners see themselves as being busy all the time, some of your time has to be spent in staying organized. If not daily, at least once a week you have to set aside time to put everything in its place. Most mechanics have a rule that there is a place for everything and everything needs to be in its place.

Many people have to find the time to do things over, but seldom have the time to do it right the first time. Usually because they can't find a file, they will have to recreate it, which will take a lot more time than the five seconds it might have taken to put it in its right place to begin with. Being able to find the staples when your stapler runs out can save a precious few minutes you will spend going through the desk drawers, or worse going to the store to buy more, knowing you have a new box somewhere in the office.

The amount of office supplies you maintain in the home office will depend on the business as well as your budget. Regardless, don't let your desk become a storage area for your supplies. Use an old dresser or bookcase on which to keep your office supplies, while keeping only a small stash on your desk or in the desk drawers. When you put supplies in a storage area, make sure the tags are visible for easy identification.

To keep your office running smooth, consider your desk the focal point of the office. All of the equipment that is frequently used needs to be within easy reach of your desk chair. If you have to get up every few minutes to answer the phone, grab a fax or check the printer, you are wasting several precious minutes everyday reaching for things. Files that you are currently working on should be in easy reach, whether in a file cabinet next to your desk or in an upright file holder on your desk or adjacent table.

Ideally, you can pull all the files you intend to conquer that day and have them ready to work on at any time during the day. Files you are not going to touch should be put in their proper place so they can be easily found when they are needed.

While it may seem easier, especially for caffeine addicts to have their coffee pot near their desk, it is a bad idea overall. First, too much coffee can be bad for the health as well as a contributing factor to extra bathroom breaks. However, the primary reason is the potential for a damaging coffee spill by drinking coffee at your desk. Everyone needs to take a break from their work periodically, and having the coffee pot in a separate room can force you to take a few minutes to clear your head.

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Can You Build A Home Business On A PPC Affiliate Program?

PPC is affiliate lingo for pay per click. In simplest terms, a PPC program option is one of the most sought after affiliate programs today, only surpassed by a favorable ad impression program. If you are accepted as a pay per click affiliate, you will get paid each and every time that a visitor to your site sees the affiliate link and clicks on it. This is a far cry from the old way of doing business where payment would only be rendered if the click led to an actual sale. Thus, pay per click is considered online to be one of the easiest ways of making money yet the questions of whether or not you can build a business on a PPC affiliate program is not as easily answered in the affirmative as you might think.

There are serious limitations associated with a pay per click affiliate program, first and foremost the need for visitors that will visit your website in droves. The payouts are ridiculously small and in order to truly capitalize on this kind of program, your visitors must decide by the hundreds and the thousands to click the links that have them leaving your site only to land on the affiliate business’ website. For smaller webmasters and also small business owners who rely on web traffic to sell their own products, this kind of affiliate program is the kiss of death. If you are successful in beefing up your website visitors but they leave your site to visit the other business, you may be remunerated with a couple of pennies for each visitor that does so, but conversely you do not know how many hundreds of dollars in sales you have lost on your site simply because you sent the visitor somewhere else.

Additionally, if you consider that those webmasters whose web traffic is more limited may not have so many folks clicking on the links and thus the payout may be delayed for months on end until a threshold is reached, the quick and ready cash that made these programs so desirable in the first place is not as achievable as was first assumed or perhaps represented by those all in favor of the program.

Yet it is still possible to build a business on a pay per click affiliate program if you have the savvy to set up a website with that stated goal in mind and have the wherewithal to execute it in such a way that the site will get copious visitors while at the same time be considered valuable enough to the search engines to rank it fairly high. You may be surprised to learn that the old way of doing business via the gateway site is no longer acceptable but a similar concept that is now heavily capitalizing on link ads embedded in article marketing methods have shown sufficient promise to have webmasters rethink and redo their sites in droves.

Before you alter the look, feel, and stated goal of your site, make sure you take the time to research not only the company that is offering the PPC affiliate program in which you are interested, but ensure that you are also well versed with consumer trends, consumer behavior and get a feel for what is hot and what is on its way out.

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Friday, March 7, 2008

Starting A Home Business With Your Spouse

While on the surface this may seem like a good idea. After all you will both share the same goal of making money for the family, you are used to each other's little quirks and if the business is based out of your home, the cost of getting to work can be a great savings on the family budget. However, two people learning to live together as man and wife can be tough enough without spending all day, everyday together. Before joining hands and taking the plunge into the work at home pool, you will need to take a hard look at some of the potential obstacles.

The first item on the list of possible problems is the fact that you will be spending almost every waking hour with your spouse. While compatibility in a relationship can hold it together just fine, you must determine if that compatibility can withstand another eight hours a day. Making the change from business partner to husband and wife every day can be a tough transition. You will not be able to leave all of your work problems at the job and home problems at the door.

Make sure your goals for the company are in line with those of your spouse. By sitting down and discussing the goals of the business you may learn that your idea of what to expect from the business may be contrary to what your spouse is looking to achieve. You may want to eventually expand and franchise the business while your spouse wants to simply make enough money for the family to live comfortably. If your goals are not aligned, your business will probably fail and so might the marriage.

One of the most important aspects of entering into a business partnership with a spouse is having clearly defined roles in the business. Determine up front who will perform what function such as accounting or who will handle incoming orders and packing for shipping. Look at the strengths and plan individual roles that best complement the strengths of each partner. It is not a good thing for one partner to believe that while you are the boss at work, they are boss at home.

Resist the urge to let customers know your business partner is also your spouse. While this may seem unimportant, it can possibly cause a customer to hold back if they have a complaint against your partner. You also need to deal with business issues in a professional and constructive manner. You should never personally attack your partner for a business decision. Instead, address the situation and ways to fix it instead of addressing your partner.

Never mix work and family issues when on the job. You need to have a set schedule for work and the rest of time can be spent on family issues. Trying to mix the two will almost guarantee failing at both.

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Thursday, March 6, 2008

Selling Online Can Create New Income Streams

As the internet matures, so do the attitudes of people buying more and more online. Many companies exist that will ship merchandise to nearly any address specified, without being the same address as the buyer. This opens the door for selling opportunities for just about anyone with the initiative to do a little work online and keep track of their earnings.

One of the problems with having a retail website, is you become the buyer, seller and shipper all at once. When you offer merchandise for sale online you are opening the door to a global audience and will need to have an inventory of merchandise that you offer for sale. Constantly sending out apologetic emails informing buyers their choice is either discontinued or on back order will not win many repeat customers and will eventually leave you with nothing but a nice looking website.

You can, however get hooked up with wholesalers who maintain a large inventory of merchandise and allow you to sell it on your website. When an order comes in, it goes directly to the wholesaler who will pack it and ship it as well as handle all the finances. You make money based on the profit from the sale of the item. For example, you advertise a DVD player on your site for $59.99 plus tax plus shipping and handling. A customer buys it and submits the order. Once payment is received and the item has shipped. If you are getting that DVD player from the wholesaler for $40, you will be paid the difference of $19.

Many drop-shippers work with online auction sellers who simply list the merchandise on their auction site and the wholesaler takes over the shipping of the merchandise. For auction merchandise there is a risk to the seller in that if a listed item doesn't sell, the seller is still responsible for any listing fees for putting them item on the auction.

Additionally, once an item sells, the seller is charged a final value fee, which is a percentage of the price at which the item sold. Consequently, the seller has to sell the item at a price higher than the unit cost, plus listing fees plus the final value fee before they make any money. Selling straight off your own website may not elicit as much business, but by the buyer paying shipping and handling charges, everything paid over the unit price is your to keep.

You can also choose to buy small inventories of merchandise you believe will be in high demand and list in the item's description how many are available. Being honest with potential buyers on the front side that only so many are available may improve the chance of a sale, as well as diminish disappointment when you run out.

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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Scammers Target Stay At Home Moms

Once the kids are back to school and mom has a little more time on her hands she may begin to consider ways to bring in some extra cash. Spending time on the internet searching for work at home opportunities can often be rewarding, provided you understand that there are many scams being offered, many targeted for the stay at home parents looking to make money.

Working at home is an inviting concept and many opportunities exist that present a legitimate means of finding work. Unfortunately, there are plenty more where the only ones who make money are those offering the opportunity. Beware of headlines such as "Learn how to crack the code to internet riches," and "I was a victim of 37 scams until I stumbled across this opportunity."

When looking through offers for an internet business opportunity you need to ask yourself some serious questions about the offer. Many will carry a similar theme indicating they have found a way to make bundles of cash online and want to share the secret. You need to ask yourself, why? Here is perfect stranger, willing to share with me the secret they use to make millions of dollars online. Of course this secret is not going to be free, and sometimes it is available for a limited time price of just $19.95 and you will receive their complete information package of how you can make money.

Why aren't they sharing this information with family and close friends so they can have an entire family of wealthy relatives? Why are they offering this opportunity to strangers? Possibly because their family and friends were suckered into their last get-rich-quick scheme.

One of the most prolific scams online is signing up to be a secret shopper. There are many companies that do use secret shoppers to visit stores and restaurants and turn in a review to the company informing them how a particular unit is performing. To claim this company can hook you up with many companies where you can get paid up to $40 an hour doing things you love to do and keep everything you bought, is nothing more than a scam.

Yes, these companies have the names and addresses of the companies that use secret shoppers and that is what you will be buying. Once you send in your payment, which varies from $19.95 to $39.95, you will receive a list of companies that use secret shoppers and instructions on how to fill out their online applications. If the company is looking for more shoppers they might contact you for a future interview. Most of these offers carry no guarantee that you will ever be chosen to be a secret shopper, let alone get paid $40 an hour for going to a restaurant.

Fortunately, not all offerings out there are a scam. However, it can be very difficult to tell the difference, especially with savvy marketing phrases promising to good to be true earnings. I recommend that you look for opportunities that have been around for a few years and search for the offering on Google and see what others have to say about it. Look for comments that are not all glowing as with any program there are people who just won't want to put in the work required. In my experience there really are not any get rich quick programs online. Remember this is a work at home venture, it will take time to build up a customer base, just like a real business.

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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Running Home Business Requires Dedication And Discipline

One of the most common causes of failures of work at home businesses is the fact the person operating the business should never have started in the first place. Not everyone has the dedication and, more importantly, the discipline needed to run their own business out of their home and will quickly find that setting their own hours and being at home all day, everyday is the rosy picture painted by the stories about self-employment.

Running your own business involves someone to handle sales, production, orders, billing and all of the other departments necessary to keep a business operating. When you first start out in a home business, the people that do the work will most likely be you and it will not take long to realize just how many hours are required to get everything done.

Then there’s the promise that often comes with home business opportunities about having the time and money to spend on vacations and having more time with the family. While the business is in its infancy, that is just not going to happen. There will be time spent with the family, but usually it is while you remind them that you are working and need to be left alone. The biggest adjustment when you start a home-based business is having family and friends understand that while you are at home, you are still working.

If your new business can be done completely from home, it is better to have a separate office area in which to work. An area that is off limits to other family members during your business hours, during which you can concentrate on the task at hand without interruption. One suggestion made by successful home business operators is to get a watchdog to sit at the door of your office to keep interruptions to a minimum. While this tip is given in jest, it is important to make sure your home office is treated as though you were working for someone else.

With most work at home businesses, you can set your own hours and, if possible, it will make your home life easier if you establish work hours around your family’s schedule. If there are hours when no one else is home, that should be time in which the bulk of your work is done.

You have probably heard the stories about people working at home in their pajamas and while this opportunity may be available, it probably isn’t a good idea. You will need to establish your work schedule, just as you would if someone else was writing your checks and then work your schedule. Your clients or customers are paying you to deliver a product or service in a timely manner and you will have to present professionalism to yourself as well as potential customers. By being at work when you are scheduled, you can get the promised work done on time and gain new clients based on your reputation.

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Monday, March 3, 2008

Researching Home Business Opportunities Right For You

With today's job market being diluted by outsourcing, many people are suddenly finding themselves out of a job. Sitting around the house all day worrying about what you will do when your savings is gone is not a good thing, and with the number of opportunities available for operating you own home business continually growing, many find themselves as a home business owner by default.

However, finding a business you can operate from home will take some research and should be aligned around your interests, knowledge and experience. Once you begin a home business, you will need to work it as a traditional job because income from that business is what will pay your bills and keep you from going hungry. It will also consume a lot of your time and energy so it needs to be something that you like.

Most people hear, as they are growing up, that the best job in the world is the one you would do for free if you didn't have to worry about your bills. The same holds true for starting a home business. It should be something you like to do and are willing to work at in order to pay the bills. Otherwise, it's just another job.

For example, a person who has a lot of experience working with their hands and building things out of wood or metal may find a home business performing furniture repair or refinishing suited to their hobby. They can also create and market woodcraft items, selling them through local retailers or at craft markets, effectively having their own home business selling things they make in their home workshop.

Another example could be a person who has worked as accountant for someone else for years who suddenly find his or her job has been eliminated. They can open their own accounting service performing billing and invoicing for other small businesses. Many new businesses cannot afford to hire a full-time accountant and by working with several small companies, you can create several income streams to help make ends meet.

Simply drawing on your experience and knowledge learned while working for someone else can often lead to ideas for starting a home business. In many cases, most of the work can be done at home, telecommuting with clients. In other businesses, you may have to travel to meet with clients or attend shows at which to sell your products. Either scenario will provide an income earned through your home business while paying the bills.

Before deciding to open a home business, you should check with your local zoning department to make sure there are no zoning laws against operating a business out of your home. Typically, if the business has no reason for clients to visit and no signs are posted in the front yard, there are few problems with a home business. If you plan a deluge of customers increasing traffic on your street and blocking the sidewalk when they visit your shop, you may have to rethink your home business efforts.

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